John Greening aged 11

Crime sheet for John Greening, 31 May 1873 (PCOM 2/291 f.8)

Name, No.

and Aliases
John Greening, 5997 5th July '73
Age (on discharge)11
Height4ft 4¼
HairLt. Brown
EyesD. Grey
Complexion Fresh
Where born Mortlake
Married or single Single
Distinguishing marks Scar on forehead
Address at time of apprehension 1 Senior Place, Mortlake
Place and date of conviction Richmond 18th June '73
Offence for which convicted Simple larceny a Qrt of Gooseberries (growing)
Sentence 1 Cal. Mo. H. L.& 5 years Reformatory
Date to be liberated 17-Jul-73
Intended residence after Liberation Boleyn Castle, East Ham, Essex.
Previous Convictions Summary
11Mar 1871 Stg. Some coal J.O.A 10 days H.L. or 10/- [shillings fine] Richmond
15 Feb. 1873 Stg. Coal
Stg Coal
2 Cal. Mos. H.L. & Whipped. Richmond
By Jury
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