Frostbite cases

These medical case sheets are representative of many which detail the injury of frostbite, a result of remaining in a water filled trench in freezing conditions. This gives details of treatment and insight into conditions for soldiers at the front, (Catalogue ref: MH106/2085)


Medical Case Sheet                                                     Army Form I 1237
No, in Admission and Discharge Book

II     121



No. 11693







Christian Name



Year Unit Age Service
1914 1st Grenadier Guards 19½ 1 yr.  6 mths.
Station & Date

3rd N.G.H [Northern General Hospital]

Dec. 22nd


Disease: Frost bite both feet


Was in the trenches on November 27th. In the trenches 10 days. Was unable to walk out. Was wet through on 20th next night there was frost. Two days later had pain in the feet.  Constant sharp tingling pain. The boots were on the tight side, was only wearing one pair of socks. Took boots off at headquarters, ¼ mile away. Feet commenced to swell. Then noticed that right foot was black. Left foot only toes were black. Left foot treated with hot fomentation every ¼ hr coming down in the train. In hospital 4 weeks. Treated with yellow stuff wrung in cloths then with a paste Turpentine & lanolin.


Present Condition


Right foot. All toes appear to metacarpal phalangall joint mummified.

Area on posterior aspect of heal: ulcerated area on dorsum of the foot.

Left foot. All toes and heal affected loss of skin almost complete on dorsum of foot.


Sketch to show left and right foot

Left foot: loose internal flap

Convalescent Home

May 17th: Transferred to Hillsborough Barracks Military Hospital Sheffield

Gangrene frost bite

Right foot has now healed soundly.

Left leg

A modified syme? Resulted from amputation with ulceration about post aspect which kept breaking down.

May 28th … amputation was performed at seat of election- Faraboeuf

June 8th Amputation of seat of election has now healed


June 10th Convalescent Hospital


July 15th Medical Board B179. Unfit.

Furlough pending discharge

Discharged invalid

Medical Case Sheet                                                     Army Form I 1237
No, in Admission and Discharge Book




No. 10168







Christian Name



Year Unit Age Service
1915 3rd Royal Fusiliers 21 4 months
Station & Date

3rd N.G. [Northern General Hospital]


March 20th



Disease: Frostbite of both feet-deafness

Began on March 5th in the trenches at Ypres. Trench full of water, and he volunteered to bale it out-was standing up to the hips working a pump for 24 hours. Then slept in his wet boots and clothes. Lost the use of both feet next morning. Also Rheumatism. He has been rather deaf in both ears ever since serving in France- due to heavy artillery fire. Treated in Eltratat.

He complains of pain in epigastrium after food coming on 1-2 hours after & relieved by taking more food. The pain shoots up under the sternum. He also complains of palpitation at night. There is a small area of inflammation over spleen. He fell off his horse at Aldershot 3 years ago and has been troubled with indigestion off and on ever since. The present stomach symptoms began in hospital when taken in for frostbite. He had been eating his rations (Bully beef & biscuit & jam) in the trenches with dirty hands whilst working the hand pump and soon after he was sick-black vomit followed by much pain.

Has had this pain on and off ever since.

Past Illnesses

Had pleurisy 5 years in Middlesex Hospital. (Has had spino-meningitis twice in the Middlesex Hospital? Dr Winter- morphine injection)


May 5th [Convalescent] Home
June 15th Furlough



Medical Case Sheet                                                     Army Form I 1237
No, in Admission and Discharge Book




No. 8199







Christian Name



Year Unit Age Service
1915 1st Norfolk Reg. 39 yrs 17 yrs
Station & Date

3rd N.G.H



Disease: Frost bite of toes. Septic Paronychia of finger

Patient has been in 6 hospitals during the last 7 weeks with frostbite of toes. That has practically disappeared but patient has septic paraonychia of Right ring finger as result of a cut from a beef-tin. There is some swelling of the nail fold and purulent discharge from the nail-bed. Nail is not loose. J. Clark

6/5/15 Scaly seborrhoic condition of chest.


Well. Seborrhoea almost well.   J. Clark Capt.

Conv [convalescent] Home. Ackworth

May 28 Furlo [furlough-leave]


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