Situation in transit camps

Telegram describing the deteriorating situation in transit camps (catalogue reference FO 916/847)


[CYPHER]             Departmental No.1.

From Berne to Foreign Office

Mr Norton

No. 3767                              D.8.00p.m. 11th August, 1944.

11th August, 1944              R.2.00a.m. 12th August, 1944

() () () ()

My telegram 3229.

The Swiss Government inform me orally that Bergen-Belsen is the Transit Camp to which all jews eligible for repatriation are temporarily sent.

The Jewish camp at Westerbork in Holland is in process of being dissolved. The usual number of inmates fluctuates between 40,000 and 50,000. The present number is approximately 2,000. The Jews are evacuated from Westerbork in three directions; those eligible for repatriation fall to Bergen-Belsen; technicians and persons likely to be of use to the German war effort are sent to Theresienstadt in Czechoslovakia those who are considered useless are sent to Ausschwitz for elimination.


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