Source 3

Transcript of ‘The London Gazette’ – Saturday 18 July – Tuesday 21 July, 1789 (ZJ 1/85)


The whole Way from the Entrance at the Barrier at Passy to the Hotel de Ville was lined on each Side with armed Citizens, and the most perfect Tranquillity was observed.  After his Majesty had entered the Hotel de Ville, he declared that he appeared there to gratify the Wishes of the Citizens of Paris, and to assure them of his Readiness to do every Thing in his Power to quiet their Minds, and restore Tranquillity to the City.  On his Majesty’s Return he received every Testimony of Loyalty and Affection from a most numerous and orderly Populace; and it is computed that this Day there were not less than 150,000 Men bearing Arms in Paris.


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3. Look at Source 3.This is an extract from the London Gazette from Saturday 18 July to Tuesday  July 21, 1789.

  • According to the source, people lined the streets – how does the source describe their behaviour?
  • How pleased were people with the King’s promises? How were people behaving?
  • What evidence in the source suggests further trouble could easily break out?