Source 3

Page from the Empire Windrush passenger lists 1948 (BT 26/237)

« Return to Bound for Britain

3. Look at Source 3. This is one of the pages from the passenger list of the Empire Windrush, a ship which brought people from the West Indies to the UK.

  • Look at the Country of Last Permanent Residence column on the list. Which parts of the West Indies did most of these people come from?
  • Write a list of the kind of jobs you think people coming to the UK would do
  • Compare the list you have written to the occupations (jobs) shown on the passenger list, are they the same? (HINT : H.D. means Household Domestic, someone like a servant or a cleaner).

Transcript of the Empire Windrush passenger list (BT 26/1237) (Excel file, 27.50 Kb)

Transcript of the Empire Windrush passenger list (BT 26/1237) (PDF, 47 Kb)