Catalogue description Beaconsfield (formerly South Bucks) Constituency Conservative Association

This record is held by Buckinghamshire Archives

Details of D163
Reference: D163
Title: Beaconsfield (formerly South Bucks) Constituency Conservative Association

Records of Beaconsfield Constituency Conservative Association

Date: 1948-1985
Held by: Buckinghamshire Archives, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

Beaconsfield Constituency Conservative Association

South Bucks Constituency Conservative Association

Physical description: 8 series
Access conditions:

Records are open for consultation unless otherwise indicated

  • Buckinghamshire
  • Internal politics
Administrative / biographical background:

The South Bucks Conservative Association was formed following the creation of the parliamentary constituency of South Bucks in 1948. By 1951 every polling district in the area had a branch of the Association and in 1950 their candidate Ronald Bell was elected to Parliament, a seat which he held for over 30 years


Buckinghamshire parliamentary constituencies were again reorganised in 1972: a new constituency of Amersham and Chesham was carved out of South Bucks and Aylesbury while what remained of South Bucks became the Beaconsfield constituency. The Conservative Association was similarly reorganised and the Beaconsfield Constituency Conservative Association met in January 1972 to elect its new officers.


The Executive Council, which included representatives of each branch, met monthly and was the governing body throughout. General business of the Association was dealt with by a Finance and General Purposes Committee appointed by the Executive Council. The Association also had a Women's Advisory Committee and a large and active Young Conservative organisation.

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